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Aug 19 – Aug 24
International Summer School on Higher Education

Submission deadline: May 17, 2024 

Aug 31

International competition 'BRICS Anthem'

Competition entries in the nomination 'Young Composer' are accepted till May 31, in the nomination 'Young Poet' - till August 31 

Sep 16 – Sep 17
ICSID Conference for Young Scholars

Deadline for paper submission: July 16, 2024 

Illustration for news: Ours/Others, Africa and Urban Indigenous Peoples: Guide to the ‘Days of Ethnographic Cinema’ Festival

Ours/Others, Africa and Urban Indigenous Peoples: Guide to the ‘Days of Ethnographic Cinema’ Festival

Seeing life in other countries in a way that even seasoned travellers cannot see it, discussing endangered urban cultures, and understanding the reasons of nostalgia for the ‘good old days’ will be possible at the ‘Days of Ethnographic Cinema’ festival that will be held from September 24-30 by the Higher School of Economics together with the Russian State Humanitarian University and the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography. This guide covers the events worth following for specialists and curious non-specialists alike.


is the number of births that a woman from the generation born in the latter half of the 1980s can expect in her lifetime. This number is significantly lower than the replacement rate for the population.

Smart Cities – Japanese Style

The HSE Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning held a panel discussion entitled ‘Developing Cities and Infrastructure’ as part of the Russian-Japanese forum ‘Points of Intersection: Business, Technology, Culture’ that took place in Moscow. The discussion focused on development opportunities in Moscow and the adoption of solutions to urban problems already applied in Tokyo.


was the level to which the business confidence index in the service sector fell in the third quarter of 2014. One year ago, it was at the level of +6%.

Illustration for news: Inventing in Just 48 Hours

Inventing in Just 48 Hours

A cardio-undershirt, a cyber piggy bank, a flying advertising platform, and other unexpected inventions were all the result of the second FabLab Weekend hackathon, which was carried out by HSE’s Prototyping Centre. Participants had just 48 hours to create a prototype of a useful technological product ready to enter the market. The final presentation took place on September 22, when the winners were announced.

Childlessness Increasingly Determined by Attitudes

Generally in Russia, being childless is an involuntary situation associated with infertility, age, and being single. However, being childless in Moscow is often a deliberate decision. Aside from a biological inability to bear children, childlessness in Moscow is likely to be associated with higher levels of education, income security, the structure of the family of origin, and certain attitudes, i.e. that having children is not necessary for happiness, according to Svetlana Biryukova, Research Fellow of the HSE's Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards.


of parents of high school students planning to enter a university don’t give thought to the fact that their children may end up studying in a different region. Five years ago, the number of such parents was higher at 60%.

'Russia May Open its Own Econometrics School'

On September 20, the three-day international conference ‘Modern Econometric Tools and Applications’ came to an end at HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod campus. The conference was organized by the Higher School of Economics and the New Economic School (NES). Academics from Canada, France, Great Britain, and other countries discussed cutting-edge research in the field of theoretical and applied econometrics, in particular stochastic economic processes.


languages were researched by HSE linguists in three regions around the world during trips this summer.

HSE roundtable at the Istanbul UN Internet Governance Forum 2014

This year at the annual UN Internet Governance Forum, IGF in Istanbul, besides the HSE professors and usual dignitaries, Alexandra Permyakova, a Master’s student on the Electronic Business programme at the Faculty of Business Informatics got the chance to go along and take part in the Forum. The HSE delegation organised a roundtable discussion on Empowering displaced people and migrants through online education services.