I’m (Not) Afraid to Say: What Are the Limits of Frankness in Posts about Sexual Violence
The #imnotafraidtosay (Russian: #янебоюсьсказать) flashmob on Facebook and other online actions against sexual violence have helped victims to speak out about the problem and get psychological support from the web. At the same time, full frankness is hardly possible in such projects. It is directly related to anonymity. According to HSE researchers, the most painful experiences are still muted in groups where the discussants use their real names.
Instagram Micro-celebrities: What Factors Contribute to Online Endorser Credibility and Influence Consumer Behaviour?
Physical attractiveness, high-quality photos, interesting content, engagement with the audience, and subject competence are the key contributing factors to Instagram micro-celebrities' success, according to a study which examines the influence of online celebrity endorsers on consumer purchase intentions.

Employers Increasingly Find Employees Online
The internet has changed how people approach job hunting and recruitment. Employment websites and social networks are now competing with personal connections as the key channel for offering and finding jobs and have replaced most other channels, according to Sergey Roshchin, Sergei Solntsev and student at the HSE ICEF Dmitry Vasilyev's paper 'The Evolution of Job Hunting and Recruitment in the Internet Age'.
of universities have wireless internet access. In the majority of them all staff members and students have access to Wi-Fi.
Sociology on the Internet
On 8th — 11th June the International Conference on Computational Social Science, organised by the University of Aalto took place in Helsinki, attended by many of the leading lights in this new area of academic research where the meeting between sociology and computer science has the potential to design better societies.
of companies around the world in the next three years will use social networks as the main tool of corporate communications instead of email.
Social Networks are Good for Book Lovers but Show a Fall in Reading Among Young Russians
Lyubov Borusiak, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, School of Integrated Communications will be giving a paper at the XVI International April Conference on Economic and Social Development about her research into social networks and what young Russians read. She talked to the HSE English Language News service about her findings and about whether Russian reading habits are changing with the new generation.
Finding a Balanced Approach on Internet Governance
Peter Major, vice-chairman of the Radiocommunication Advisory Group of the International Telecommunication Union and chairman of the Group on Information Systems of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau at the United Nations, is one of the world's leading experts in the field of Internet Governance. He recently spoke with the HSE news service about some of these developments, particularly with respect to multi-stakeholder cooperation.
Runet Economy and its Prospects
On October 29, HSE and the Russian Association for Electronic Communications unveiled key research results on Runet Economy 2013-2014.