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The Changing Cities

An international academic conference ‘Street Art in the Changing City: Theoretical Perspectives’ will take place on June 7-8, 2013, at the HSE. The event has been organized by the ‘Graffiti and Street Art in the Cultural Cityscape’ research and study group, and the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities. Experts in modern urban studies will participate in the conference. Keynote speakers will include geographer Luke Dickens (Open University of London, United Kingdom) and sociologist Andrea Mubi Brighenti (University of Trento, Italy). They both gave special interviews to HSE news service prior the conference.

About the Center of Social Movement Theory

Pamela Oliver, Conway-Bascom Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, an expert on collective action, social movements, news coverage of protests, and racial disparities in criminal justice will give a talk "The Ethnic Dimensions: Bringing Ethnic Divisions and Conflict to the Center of Social Movement Theory" at the International Research Seminar in Sociology in the HSE on June, 5, 2013. She gave an interview to the HSE news service.

‘The Top Marks for Summer School in HSE’

Maureen A. Pirog, Rudy Professor of Policy Analysis, Indiana University and Associated Professor, University Washington, Editor-in-Chief, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management gave a special interview to HSE news service.

Life Online

Professor Emmanuel Petrakis of the University of Crete, one of the leading researchers in information and communication technology, with main interest in Industrial Organization Theory and Policy, Managerial Economics and Organization, Game Theory and Bargaining Theory, Digital Economy Issues and Internet Economics, visited Moscow to present a working paper “Horizontal Mergers and Acquisitions with Endogenous Efficiency Gains” at a seminar in the HSE Management Department on May, 27, 2013. He gave a special interview to HSE news service.

Deen Lillard, Associate Professor, Ohio State University, USA: ‘I Expect Opportunities for Cross-Country Collaboration to Grow’

The First International ‘Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE’ User Conference will be held in Moscow on May, 17-18th. Deen Lillard, Associate Professor, Department of Human Sciences and Director and Project Manager of the Cross-National Equivalent File Study, Ohio State University, USA, one of the keynote speakers at the conference gave a special interview to the HSE news service.

Professor Lucio Picci of the University of Bologna about the Long-term Cooperation with the HSE

Professor Lucio Picci of the University of Bologna gave a series of lectures to students and teachers at the HSE Department of Public Policy and attended the HSE's April Conference. He shared his impressions with us during this interview for our news portal.

A New Scale for Universities

A new, innovative method of university ranking was presented in Moscow at the international conference ‘Lessons of multi-dimension ranking of Russian universities. Gero Federkeil, leading expert at the CHE-Centre for Educational Development, Germany, and expert at IREG, participated in developing  the methodology of the new Russian ranking and spoke to us about these new Russian and European university rankings.

From Reading Pushkin to Investigating Russian Business-state Relations

Yuko Adachi, Associate Professor at Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan), is currently a visiting researcher at HSE. Her book ‘Building Big Business in Russia’ published in 2010 explains the privatization and transformation of Russia into a market economy. We asked her to tell us about her interest in Russia for the HSE News service.

The Big Challenge is to Include Russian Law in the Russian System

Jan De Groof, professor at the college of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, and at the University of Tilburg, Netherlands, gave a special interview to the HSE news service.

Internet Interviewing Will Become the Dominant Survey Mode in the Social Sciences in the Next 10–20 years

The Third LCSR International Workshop is being held in Saint Petersburg from April 26–30, 2013. Marcel Das, Director of CentERdata since 2000, and  Professor of Econometrics and Data Collection at Tilburg University, talked to the HSE News Portal beforehand about the topic he would present to the workshop; Innovation in Online Data Collection for Scientific Research.