HSE University at EdCrunch X: Online Campus Transforms Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions
HSE University’s online campus took part in EdCrunch X, the anniversary global conference on digital technologies in education, in November. The event, under the slogan ‘Imagine a world where everyone has equal opportunities,’ brought together more than 3,000 in-person participants in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and more than 10,000 online listeners from 25 countries.

HSE University-St Petersburg Participates in FICCI International Higher Education Summit in India
'Empowering Minds, Driving Transformation: Redefining the Future of Higher Education' was the topic of the 18th Higher Education Summit held in New Delhi, the capital of India. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the Indian Ministry of Education invited a delegation from HSE University-St Petersburg to participate in the key events of the summit.