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+7 (495) 531-00-70
+7 (915) 242-69-74
Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room D716
K. Shevtsova
O. Selezeneva
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Marina Batalina

  • Director: International Partnerships Office / International Cooperation Centre
    • Marina Batalina has been at HSE University since 2006.
    Language Proficiency
    +7 (495) 531-00-70
    +7 (915) 242-69-74
    Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room D716
    K. Shevtsova
    O. Selezeneva
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    To be used only for spelling or punctuation mistakes.


    Supervision of the International Cooperation Center

    Development, coordination and monitoring of the university’s international links and cooperation agreements with leading foreign universities, research centres and international organizations, as well as Russian and foreign diplomatic representatives.



    Degree in English language
    Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages
    Degree in Political Sciences
    Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy

    Professional Development

    2021, 1 June  -  NAFSA Conference & Expo 2021 Global Partnerships Workshop. Certificate of attendance

    2020, 24 April -  European University Association Annual Conference Webinar #3: Making a difference

    through partnerships. Certificate of attendance

    2018, 23-27 July  - University of Edinburgh
    Certificate of attendance. Erasmus+ staff mobility for training. Key Action 107.

    2017, 3-4 October - National Erasmus+ Office Russia & SPHERE /Support and Promotion for HE Reform Experts
    Certificate of participation. Training workshop “Forms and formats of internationalization at home”

    2017, 23-27 May; 2016, 23-27 May - UAS Technikum Wien
    Certificate of attendance. Erasmus+ staff mobility for training. Key Action 107

    2013, 2 October - NUFFIC /The Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education
    Certificate of participation. Training workshop “Mapping out international cooperation: what works and why?”

    2011, 23-25 September - Project Management Institute
    Certificate on completion No 37745 of a training course 1601-PMBS924S: Project management in a company. Standard PMI PMBOK@Guide 2008

    2008, 19-21 November - European Association for International Education /EAIE/
    Certificate on successful completion. Training course “How to run an International office: tools for the development and management of an international office”

    2007, 1 February-30 November - Higher School of Economics
    Certificate on short-term professional development. German language

    2006, 19-21 October - Higher School of Economics
    Certificate on short-term professional development. Seminar on methodology of curriculum development and educational outcomes.