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+7 (495) 772-95-90
Address: 16 Potapovsky Pereulok, Building 10, room 304
SPIN-RSCI: 3637-7506
ORCID: 0000-0003-3282-4752
ResearcherID: I-4250-2015
Scopus AuthorID: 57190168105
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A. Kobtseva
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Natalia Isaeva

  • Natalia Isaeva has been at HSE University since 2012.


  • 2010

    HSE University

  • 2010

    HSE University

  • 2008

    HSE University


  • 2016
    Australasian Simulation Congress (Мельбурн). Presentation: “Polyphonic games” for Leadership Training
  • XVII Апрельская международная научная конференция "Модернизация экономики и общества" (Москва). Presentation: Лидерские практики директоров российских школ как фактор академической успешности их учеников в различных социальных контекстах
  • 2015
    Двенадцатая ежегодная конференция "Тенденции развития образования. Лидерство в школьном и дошкольном образовании: вчера, сегодня завтра" (Москва). Presentation: Директора школ как агенты реформы российской системы образования
  • EdCrunch 2015 (Москва). Presentation: Образовательная программа: собираем паззл из блоков и модулей
  • 2014
    EAIR 36th Annual Forum "Higher Education Diversity and Excellence for Society", 2014 (Эссен). Presentation: «The impact of universities` information accountability and transparency on the diversity in higher education system»
  • Postgraduate Research Conference 2014-2015 (Гонконг). Presentation: Simulation games in training of educational managers

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "Future Lecturers" (2014)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)


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IOE Scholars Contribute to UNESCO’s 2017/18 GEM Report on Accountability in Education

Researchers at the IOE Laboratory for University Development have been commissioned by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring (GEM) unit to take part in drafting one of GEM’s latest massive studies, the 2017/18 Report on Accountability in Education. For purposes of this report, IOE's leading experts Dmitry Semyonov, Daria Platonova, Natalia Isaeva and Anna Kobtseva have prepared two background research papers taking national and international perspectives on various facets of university and student accountability.

An Exciting Journey of Discovery

Dr Elyssebeth Leigh, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Technology, Sydney – Australia will be visiting HSE Moscow to give lectures and take part in discussions at the HSE Institute of Education on May 15-19, 2017. She has been working for over 30 years as an educator and learning designer in workplaces and academic settings. As an experienced adult learning facilitator she has published four books and numerous articles and conference papers on learning and teaching. Much of this work concerns the use of simulation in learning and research.

Holland, a Country of Contrasts and Professionals

Simulation games involve the recreation of various situations within the framework of a specially designed environment. There are many different types of games, but most come in the form of computer simulations used in the fields of medicine, flight training, business, and politics. Simulation games are unique in that they are used mostly in practice; that is, they are constructed and only then is one able to see whether these constructions work or not. To learn how to take a scientific approach towards this topic, Natalia Isaeva, Junior Research Fellow and Doctoral student at the Institute of Education went to the Netherlands to study at Maastricht University.