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Maria Dolgova

  • Maria Dolgova has been at HSE University since 2018.


 – research work 



HSE University

Postgraduate Studies

3rd year of study
Approved topic of thesis: Ladies-in-waiting at the court of Nicholas I: forms of female subjectivity
Academic Supervisor: Boltunova, Ekaterina



  • 2023
    "Свои люди": неформальное покровительство и клиентелизм в истории России, XVI–XX вв. (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: «"Дама слишком деликатная, которая может обидеться": покровительство при дворе (дело о фрейлине Е. Н. Петрищевой в 1860-е гг.)».
  • 2022
    XIII научно-практическая конференция Государственного музея-заповедника «Петергоф» "Детство во дворце". Presentation: Фрейлины при дворе императора Николая I как воспитанницы и воспитательницы
  • 2021
    CBEES 7th Annual Online Conference "With and after Empire: Enduring Pasts across the Local and the Global" (Стокгольм). Presentation: The origin of ladies-in-waiting of the Russian imperial court during the reign of Nicholas I (1825–1855)
  • 2020
    VI Международная научно-практическая конференция для студентов и аспирантов «Welt und Wissenschaft» (Москва). Presentation: Der Platz der Frauen in der Hofgesellschaft des Russischen Reiches in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts: Geschlechteraspekte
  • Международная школа «Российско-польская транснациональная история» (Москва). Presentation: Польские фрейлины при дворе российского императора Николая I
  • 2018
    Coping with Crisis: Undergraduate Conference in History (Будапешт). Presentation: Functioning of Ladies-In-Waiting Institution of Russian Imperial Court in the First Part of the 19th Century
  • Coping with Crisis: Undergraduate Conference in History (Будапешт). Presentation: Functioning of Ladies-In-Waiting Institution of Russian Imperial Court in the First Part of the 19th Century
  • 2017
    Aktualne problemy archiwistyki i zarządzania dokumentami (Люблин). Presentation: Польская знать при дворе российских императоров: по воспоминаниям С.А. Понятовского, А.Д. Чарторыйского и Ф.В. Булгарина.

A new article by Maria Dolgova in the Perm University Herald. History

The first issue of the journal "Perm University Herald. History" for 2024 published an article by a trainee researcher at the Institute, Maria Dolgova, "“Everywhere, I owe money on trifles": economic status of ladies-in-waiting at the court during the reign of Nicholas I".

Maria Dolgova took part in the conference "With and After Empire: Enduring Pasts Across the Local and the Global"

The annual conference of CBEES (Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, Södertörn University, Sweden, Stockholm) "With and After Empire: Enduring Pasts Across the Local and the Global" was held on November 25-26. Laboratory's research assistant Maria Dolgova took part in the conference and had a presentation "The Origin of Ladies-in-Waiting of the Russian Imperial Court During the Reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855)".